Friday, May 20, 2011

St. Matthew Lutheran Youth Group Gets Ready for Summer!

The youth group at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Hawthorn Woods, IL (grade 6 through high school) is gearing up for a great Summer! On Sunday nights we'll gather in The Pit for fun with friends and figuring out our faith. Our theme for this Summer is BIG ENOUGH.

Our God is BIG ENOUGH for anything we have for him...including our toughest questions. So this summer we're inviting all youth and their friends to bring it on! Ask all the tough questions and let's wrestle with God's answers. Here are the rules...

+ No question is off limits - ask anything you want about faith, God, church, other religions...ANYTHING!

+ Come ready for interactive discussion and searching God's Word

+ Friends are welcome...and so are their questions

+ Post your questions here as a comment to this blog post

Questions will be sorted into similar topics and every Sunday we meet in The Pit we'll tackle a topic. Check back here to find out what's the topic of the week. We might also be posting more in-depth answers here with Bible references you can check out for yourself.

Get ready to spend your summer with our God who is Big Enough!


  1. Here were some of your questions:

    ~Why do some people go "all holy" why pray and light candles and whatever? Can't you just talk to Him like another person?

  2. Why are all of the current teen fashions so awful and not particularly respectful of one's body?

  3. Which passages are especially prone to multiple interpretations and why?

  4. How do we know the Bible isn't a fraud?

  5. How can we know to follow Jesus and know He is the true Son of God?

  6. How do we really know God is there?

  7. What is the symbolism of the number "7" in the Bible?

  8. Rapture explanation please?

  9. Correction on the May 26 comment made at 12:16:
    *when they pray, instead of "why"

  10. Why was May 21st supposed to be the end of the world?

  11. What was Jesus' favorite game?

  12. Why is the sky blue?

  13. why do people get cancer and other awful diseases? why is this in God's plan?

  14. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Verses?

  15. is it a violation of the commandments for Catholics to pray to Saints? Why do they do so?

  16. Could we go more in depth about what other religions believe and their customs. What differs and what is the same between them?

  17. I saw a video at school that was showing the word ending and the world was in flames and it really bothered me. Also there was no talk of God. Is this what will really happen or will the word never end?

  18. I don't understand how God was ever so powerful. i always looked up to him being a human. what do you think God is?

  19. there are diffrent types of religions like egyptians and others. how do they interperate the creation of the earth if they don't believe in one God like us?

  20. dont judge, but if we believe in creation, what is the stuff the scientists say about evolution, and how does my charmander turn into a charzar?
